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Ethicscan Site Search
If you are looking for information on a specific company we would like to suggest that you begin your search on the reports page. The reports page allows you to search for any of the companies that are part of the EthicScan 1500 DataBase. (Please note, it takes a long time for the reports page to load on older computers or for individuals with slow Internet connections.)

To use the search function on this page, type in author, title, subject, company name, or organization name, in order to search through all documents on the EthicScan website.

Match: Sort by:


An Explanation of the Search Parameters

"Match" determines the way in which the search engine looks for (and subsequently finds) the pages/documents that contain the words you enter into the search field.

If you select ANY, the search engine will find the pages that contain any one of the words you specify in the search field. For example, if you entered "insurance companies" into the search engine, with the match set to ANY, the search engine would return all the pages that had the word "insurance", all the pages that had the word "companies", and all the pages that had both the words "insurance" and "companies".

If you select ALL, the search engine will only find the pages that contain all the words you entered in the search field. For example, if you entered "insurance companies" into the search engine, with the match set to ALL, the search engine will only return the pages that contain both the word "insurance" and the word "companies".

If you select BOOLEAN, you must use at least one of three special relationship words - namely "and", "or", "not" - within the search field, i.e. "insurance and companies". (If you do not use one of the "relationship" words with the boolean search you will get an error.)

In the case of the word "and", the search engine will only find the pages that contain all the words you entered in the search field as long as they are next to each other. For example, if you entered "insurance and companies" into the search engine, with the match set to BOOLEAN, the search engine will return the pages that contain the phrase "insurance companies".

A BOOLEAN search using the word "or", is the same as an ANY search (see above.)

Finally, in the case of the word "not", the search engine will only find the pages that contain the first word entered in the search field, as long as the subsequent word does not appear in the article/page. For example, if you entered "insurance not companies" into the search engine, with the match set to BOOLEAN, the search engine will return the pages that contain "insurance" without also containing the word "companies".

Sort by
The "Sort by" options determine the order in which the search results are displayed.

Score means the results will be listed by relevancy - the most relevant documents coming first.

Date means the results will be listed chronologically, with the most recent documents coming first. (Please keep in mind that the date used to sort the documents is the date the article/page was added to the EthicScan web site, which is not necessarily the same date the contents of the article were created.)

Title means the results will be listed alphabetically (A to Z), based on the title of the document. Reverse Title means the result will be listed in reverse alphabetical order (Z to A), again based on the title of the document.
