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Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Is EthicScan a not-for-profit?
  2. What is corporate social responsibility?
  3. What is an ethics or social audit?
  4. What is corporate culture?
  5. What is an ombudsman?
  6. What is a code of ethics and how does a corporation or organization develop one?
  7. Why is an annual employee signoff important to the success of the code of ethics?
  8. What is a professional code of practice?
  9. What is an employee assistance program (EAP)?
  10. What is a health promotion program (HPP) and how does it differ from an employee assistance program (EAP)?
  11. What is an employee wellness program?
  12. What are the pros and cons of an on-site daycare facility and an employee referral program?
  13. What is a family issues consultant?
  14. What is the difference between employment equity programs and affirmative action?
  15. What is a minority shareholder?
  16. What is a stakeholder and why are they important to a corporation?
  17. What is gainsharing?
  18. What is profit sharing?
  19. What is an employee share ownership purchase plan (ESOP)?
  20. What is ethical or socially responsible investing?
  21. How do corporate social responsibility, ethics, morality, values and the law differ from one another?
  22. What is an environmental audit and how does it differ from an environmental self-audit (ESA)?
  23. What are environment or pollution taxes?
  24. What is sustainable development?
  25. What is the United Nation's Brundtland Commission?
  26. How does EthicScan define corporate social responsibility (CSR)?
  27. Does EthicScan grade companies?
  28. Is there an independent kit on investing for the serious self-directed investor?